Steve Martinez

I am Steve Martinez, and everything I treasure is right here in the mountains of Henderson County. 

That’s why I feel called to do all I can to make sure the people of District 117 have true representation in Raleigh.

We desperately need reasonable, informed leaders in North Carolina, not radical ideologues who simply vote a party line. I pledge to be a strong voice for public schools, for sensible gun laws, for affordable housing and healthcare, and for the human rights of all our citizens. I will always listen to the people and work to find thoughtful, practical solutions to problems because I believe leaders are accountable to their constituents, not corporate benefactors or closed-door power brokers.

Returning the voice to the people, not the politicians.

Steve Martinez, A Strong Voice For Our Mountains

I am a husband, a father, a doctor, a musician, and a man of faith.

Henderson County has been my home for almost 20 years, and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. I love riding my motorcycle along the backroads of these mountains, by the rivers and through the forests.

The beauty never ends.

I never planned to run for office, but I feel called to do all I can to make sure our wonderful communities have true representation in Raleigh. We desperately need reasonable, informed leaders in North Carolina, not radical ideologues who simply vote a party line. I pledge to be a strong voice for public schools, for sensible gun laws, for affordable housing and healthcare, and for the human rights of all our citizens. I will always listen to the people and work to find thoughtful, practical solutions to their problems because I believe leaders are accountable to their constituents, not corporate benefactors or closed-door power brokers.